Chili cheese dogs or burritos?

You will come to know I love tortillas. I will eat anything on a tortilla, so when my mother decided to throw together a new kind “burito” I was stocked! If you love chili cheese dogs and you love tortillas, you will love the Chileto. I wish I had pictures to show what/how they are made, but I dont. which is sad because I literally just made these yesterday! Theres two ways you can make them, depending on how long you want to wait for them to be done.


Hot Dogs (1 per burito, so how ever many buritos you plan on making)


Chili Dog Sauce (For four buritos one small can is just enough, unless you want extra sauce (; )

Shredded Cheese

-what ever else you like on your chili cheese dogs; onions, maters, ect-

The Quick Chileto;

How to do it:

1. Cook up the hot dogs in a frying pan (or boil them if you prefer)

2. While cooking the dogs put the chili dog sauce in a pan and get that heating up.

3. warm up your tortillas right after the dogs are done. they fold better when warm-prevents the tortilla from cracking/breaking.

4. Once the tortillas and chili dog sauce are done, put the desired about of chili dog sauce on the tortilla. I usually do about two spoon fulls and spread it around like you do with refried beans on a taco.

5. cut the hot dogs length ways in half. lay them in the chili dog sauce on the tortilla.

6. put desired amount of shredded cheese (I prefer the mexican style or taco style cheese for these).

7. Fold them up like a burito! (fold in the “top” and “bottom” –this is the where the ends of the hot dogs are–then roll one side over and kind of tuck it under the hot dogs and roll them up. lay them on the folded side until you have them all folded up and ready to move to the next step.)

8. In a frying pan sear the buritos shut and melt the cheese. You do this by laying the folded edge on the pan until the edges are “stuck” together. afer the edges are seared you can flip the burito over to warm the other side too. leave on until you think the cheese is melted, but not too long to where the tortilla burns.

9. Throw it on a plate and waaalllaaaaahh! your master peice is finished and ready to be eaten!

The Original Chileto;

1. Heat the oven to about 300.

2. Fry the hot dogs.

3. Warm up the tortillas.

4. Once the tortillas are warmed up, but the desired about of chili dog sauce on the tortilla.

5. Cut the hot dogs length wise in half and put in the chili dog sauce on the tortilla.

6. Add the desired about of shredded cheese to your burito.

7. Fold them up!

8. Set on a cookie sheet or baking pan edge side down.

9. Bake in the oven for about 5-10 minutes, or until the tortilla looks baked.

10. Take out, and enjoy!

OK, after writing out the directions for these, it seems to be about the same amount of time…I prefer the 1st version just because I know everything will be nice and hot, and it elimnates the heat of the oven–specially in the summer! The timing might be off a little on the second version just because I havent actually made them that way. Thats the way my mother makes them and she hasnt exactly let me in on her timing secrets with it. It can take too long because all you are really doing is searing the tortillas and warming up the tortillas, cheese and chili dog sauce.

I hope you all enjoy & find these just as delicous as I did!

Starting with a cup of Joe

Heres to starting the morning a little bit earlier than I usually do.

Please bear with me as I figure out all this blogging stuff. I used to be pretty good at it, but I have found things advance so fast its hard to keep up!

My husband is going to college, he just started this January. Although I am proud of him, this one car and early mornings thing is getting old. I too was enrolled in college and started in January, my quarter is over and I was going to go the Spring quarter as well, but have decided to switch schools. Next fall the husband and I will be going to the same school! just a few more weeks and he will be done with this quarter and we can focus more on getting jobs again.

work, work, work. oh how I love you, yet hate you. I rather be working and making some money than sitting here watching America’s Funniest Home Videos. I just wish it didn’t take so much time to find a job.

Although I don’t have one for this post–yet. I do want to try to leave every post with a picture or a recipe. As I said before please bear with me as I get this all figured out(: